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Problems with Transponder Keys and How to Fix Them

Tarpon Springs LocksmithTransponder keys are excellent little inventions that have been around since the mid-1990s. They serve several purposes but are primarily intended to keep your vehicle secure and in your own hands. With transponder keys, worry over car thefts and other mishaps are eliminated entirely. It is amazing that, even though these specialized keys are small and seem simple, they are critical when it comes to your personal and vehicle security.

How Transponder Keys Work

If you drive or own a vehicle that was made after the mid-1990s, then chances are you already own a transponder key. Some older model vehicles can and still operate using traditional vehicle keys, but they are not nearly as secure as those outfitted with a transponder key and chip system.

Transponder keys operate using two different electronic chips. One sits inside of your vehicle transponder key, while the other sits inside of your vehicle. For your vehicle to turn on or start, the transponder key must come in close proximity to the chip inside of the vehicle. Once the two chips are close enough to one another, the transponder system will activate. After a proper pairing between the two chips has been established, the vehicle will be able to turn on. You can then put the transponder key into the slot and the vehicle will respond and start.

This entire pairing process happens without us even realizing it because the signals travel via invisible radio waves. That is why it can be difficult to know if and when your transponder key is causing any vehicle problems you may be experiencing. It is frightening when your car drives fine one day and then completely refuses to start the next. Even if you are experiencing transponder key problems, know that there is a quick and effective solution.

Potential Problems with Transponder Keys

  • Broken Transponder Key

    One of the most common issues you may experience is a broken transponder key. This means that the chip inside of your key has become dislodged, worn out, or has become damaged in some way. Because we carry our car keys everywhere with us in our pockets, purses, backpacks, and bags, there is always the possibility that your transponder key may give out due to everyday wear and tear.

  • Broken Vehicle Transponder Chip

    The transponder chip inside of your vehicle can also be the source of the problem if it has sustained any kind of damage. Even though the chip inside of your vehicle is tucked away safely and hard to reach, it is still not immune from breaking or becoming damaged. It may be difficult to tell if your vehicle’s transponder is the source of the problem. It is recommended that you do not attempt to find out for yourself and enlist the help of a professional instead.

  • Lost or Stolen Transponder Key

    Of course, if you lose your transponder key or it is stolen, you will not be able to start your vehicle unless you have an identical, spare transponder key made specifically for your vehicle. If you lose your transponder key, it is unlikely that any generic vehicle key you own for your car will operate it. Most spare vehicle keys are only useful for opening the car doors, trunk, and glovebox. If you want to actually drive your vehicle, however, you will need to have a new transponder key programmed for you.

Receiving a Professional Replacement

Replacing your transponder key is not hard, but it will require professional assistance. Transponder keys require specialized programming that is best left to someone who knows what they are doing. A mobile locksmith is the best service to contact in the event that you need a transponder key replacement, especially if you are stranded in your driveway, at work, or some other location.

Mobile locksmiths are trained experts that know how to replace, repair, install, and upgrade the locks, keys, and other relevant parts on vehicles. In addition to receiving personalized and professional assistance, there are a couple of other reasons why you will want to hire a mobile locksmith for your transponder key replacement.

Why Hire a Mobile Locksmith?

When it comes to vehicle issues of any kind, time and money are often our biggest concerns. You want any necessary repairs to be made fast and at as low of a price as possible. With transponder key repairs, the best way to receive a fast and affordable replacement is to call a mobile locksmithing expert. This is because mobile locksmiths travel to you, right where you need their help. They can program a new transponder key for you right on location and see to it that you get back on the road in no time.

Without a mobile locksmith, you will be stuck calling an expensive tow truck to retrieve your car and transport it to a dealership. Then, you will end up not only have to pay the towing company, but you will also have a second or third bill to take care of from the dealership for parts and labor. Instead of going through all this hassle and wasting your time and money for a simple transponder key, call a mobile locksmith instead. Receiving fast, efficient, and affordable help right where you need it just makes more sense!
